Thursday 15 December 2011

VFX Final


  1. General:

    Lighting is close – should be a little flatter and top-down to reflect bounce light from walls and ceiling. The shadows are much too sharp and don’t quite match the plate, and appear to be cut off as the objects fly away in the close up. Highlights in both shots are too bright.

    The hockey mask looks a bit “CGI” needs some roughness, imperfections and translucence to match the real item.

    Great stuff! You saw your idea from conception to final product – which is awesome, just make sure you highlight this on your blog and in your reel.

    You could trim off a bit of the closeup shot as the camera holds just a the end of the shot and it hurts the edit


    In the closeup, the CGI items have a black edge around them – probably from adding an alpha channel when compositing a specular pass.
    Colors in both shots are a bit too saturated
    The long shot is quite successful. Good work.

    Watch the focus in the closeup

    Closeup is missing grain

    Tracking and Roto:

    The closeup shot is way too still, although the move up at the end has a natural feel to it.
    The roto for the shadows in the closeup needs a lot of work.

    The objects successfully go infront and behind the right things in the long shot.

  2. Great work Alan,

    You are pretty close to having a finished piece.

    - All the cg has a black edge around it, looks like a premultiply issue and can be easily fixed.
    - The second shot cuts during your ease out, and it looks bad. Just cut in action while they are moving.
    - The shadows of the objects on the walls look too bright still and not soft enough like the shadow of the shelf. Some occlusion near the wall would help as well.
    - Some of the objects look a bit too saturated.
    - You may need better sampling for your motion blur as some of the frames appear to bee a bit grainy.

    With some comp tweaks and edit you should have a nice demo piece.
